Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A New Song

Just thought I might share a song with you. I am a songwriter (maybe not for the great wealth that I'll profit from it, but just because it's my favorite thing to do in the world) and after having come here and shaking up my whole life and mind and everything having to do with general stability, I haven't written much. But, thankfully, what I've prayed for seems to have come to pass, or at least the seeds are budding. I want to write again, and so I thought for those of you who were interested I'd share the first work I've finished here in Korea (actually there was one other, but I didn't like it enough, so it's in the graveyard.) I'm trying to articulate all that God is teaching me, and this song in particular is very personal to me. The lyrics, particularly the chorus, have been formulated during long walks and jogs where I tried to get away and be alone with God to understand what is so limited in me, only to discover what is so profound in Him. Only now am I really beginning to understand grace. There are very concrete instances in my life where I've been a recipient of this grace, and I think maybe it's only in midst of the reception of what one doesn't deserve, that the lightbulbs go on and in tears and profound gratitude one says, "Thank you. Thank you. What can I do to celebrate this love and this grace? "And this song doesn't do it any justice, but it's at least my attempt, and part of my journey here.

Sorry that the sound peaks during the loud parts. I am tempted to blame it on the microphone, but I think it's really due to my general loudness... I am a loud girl. Those of you who know me well are not shocked by this "confession".

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, bravo! Love the new song...and for the record your bangs look adorable to me! ; )
